Archive for dragon ball z

Really Oprah? Over 9000 Penises?

Posted in Comedy, News, Politics, Television, Video with tags , , , , , , , , , on September 24, 2008 by Khall Crawford

**ATTENTION**Lemme be perfectly clear, child rape, molestation or anything sexual in the slightest bit towards any child is grounds to get your nuts stomped off with a boot wrapped in red hot barbed wire, or if your a woman, you deserve to be impregnated by toxic waste and punched in the stomach.**ATTENTION**

Now that we got that out the way…I wanted to talk about a story I seen in the news recently. If you read my last post about Puff Daddy where I mentioned about how powerful the internet is briefly, for him, I meant in a good way, even a millionaire hiphop legend can still make a youtube video for the fuck of it to promote etc.

Even top news channels, as well as locals, mention Youtube, Facebook and other sites. The election even had a youtube Q&A session. And why does it seem every piece of news comes from TMZ now? Anyways….My point is, the internet, everyday, is gaining more and more grounds in terms of what or should I say who, are using it, and what for. In a world where everyone and their momma has a website, sometimes its not always a good idea, or can be more damaging then beneficial if you dont know what the fuck you are doing.

Enter Oprah.

I dont watch her show. I dont really pay attention to anything that goes on about her, the last time I actually opened my ears to anything Oprah was when Tom Cruises did his infamous couch dance, and when Oprah humiliated herself the first time with that book scandal awhile back.

Shes done it again.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

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